(Post 7) Market research/survey

Market research/survey

I made a market research/survey, using google forms, based on questions related to the healthy eating/healthy food magazine I am planning on creating. I chose 10 specific questions, which would help me understand my target audience better and help me understand what they want to see in my magazine.

From these helpful responses, I can see that there are certain things I need to add in my magazine and thing I need to do to my magazine. Firstly, I will sell my magazine for a price in between 15 QR and 25 QR, this is because 40% of people chose 15 QR and another 40% chose 25QR. Which means those 2 prices were the most popular and as they are both similar in price, it is noticeable that most people want to buy the magazine for a lower price range. 

Secondly, I will only include Italian healthy cuisine style dishes, this is because 50% of people chose Italian cuisine and that was the highest percentage of votes out of the other cuisines. Which means that Italian cuisine is the most popular cuisine, so that is the cuisine I will include in my magazine.
